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Acrobat Capture

Mã SP: 22101168

List price: 495 VNĐ

Giá Việt Tuấn : 475 VNĐ

Bạn tiết kiệm: 20 VNĐ (4%)
[Bản quyền điện tử]
Adobe� Acrobat� Capture� 3.0 software is a professional production tool that teams with your scanner to convert volumes of paper documents into searchable Adobe Portable

Internet Download Manager
List price: 1,000,000 VNĐ

Giá Việt Tuấn : 890,000 VNĐ

Bạn tiết kiệm: 110,000 VNĐ (11%)
Internet Download Manager v5.12 build 8 - The best way to handle your downloads and increase download speeds . Added full support for Windows Vista, YouTube, Google Video, MySpaceTV, IE7 and Firefox 2

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