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Acrobat 9 Pro Extended
List price: 15,000,000 VNĐ

Giá Việt Tuấn : 14,300,000 VNĐ

Bạn tiết kiệm: 700,000 VNĐ (5%)
Create and reliably share PDF documents Easily convert files to PDF Scan to PDF with OCR Convert e-mail to PDF Capture web pages as PDF Enhanced Enable others to access design data Create interactive, on-demand presentations New! Easily share video in PDF New! Insert video in PDF New! Create PDF maps New! Work with Acrobat.com New!

Acrobat 9 Standard
List price: 7,500,000 VNĐ

Giá Việt Tuấn : 6,100,000 VNĐ

Bạn tiết kiệm: 1,400,000 VNĐ (19%)
Reliably create and distribute PDF documents and forms Ideal for people who prepare and share PDF documents, Acrobat 9 Standard contains the capabilities needed to combine multiple...[more]

List price: 18,800,000 VNĐ

Giá Việt Tuấn : 16,800,000 VNĐ

Bạn tiết kiệm: 2,000,000 VNĐ (11%)
840000000 điểm
Capture, edit, and deliver video online, on air, on disc, or on device Tell your story with maximum impact using Adobe® Premiere® Pro CS4 software, the start-to-finish video...[more]

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