SketchUp is one of the most widely used and easy to learn 3D Modeling software on the market today. With V-Ray for SketchUp, users now have one of the most powerful rendering tools available to visualize their models with the upmost quality and realism. V-Ray works within the SketchUp environment allowing users to be able to efficiently incorporate the task of rendering within their current workflows.
- True raytraced reflections and refractions
- Glossy reflections and refractions
- Indirect Illumination (global illumination, global lighting). Different approaches include direct computation (brute force), and irradiance maps.
- Area shadows (soft shadows). Includes box and sphere emitters
- True HDRI support. Includes support of proper texture coordinate handling for both cubic and angular maps. Map your images directly without distortions or cropping.
- Fully multithreaded raytracing engine
- Native SketchUp materials supported and integrated into V-Ray Materials
- Antialiasing. Includes fixed, simple 2-level and adaptive approaches.
- Reusable irradiance maps (save and load support). Incremental sampling for fly- through animations.
- Displacement
- V-Ray Material Editor with Material Preview
- V-Ray Sun and Sky
- V-Ray Physical Camera
- Depth-Of-Field camera effect.
- Distributed Rendering allowing a single image to be process over up to 10 machines
- Per Material GI, Background, Reflection, and Refraction
- V-Ray Two-Sided Material for easy creation of thin translucency
- Caustics
- Animation Support